New in Version 13.5.0 [Jan 16 2019]
* New Features and Improvements *
- Updated Soap libraries to the newest version – Kopano.
- Updated Kopano servers to the latest version..
- Updated VMime libraries to the latest version.
- Security – Updated Apache web server to the latest version.
- Updated the Imap server to use TLSv1.1 for STARTTLS.
- Updated the anti-Phishing lists.
- Removed references to the old Zarafa software. Kopano now takes it’s place.
- The Web server now redirects from the old Zarafa webaccess to Kopano Webapp.
- Updated the Pyzor anti-spam client software.
- Modified the SMTP Authentication page. Instead of choosing from a list of local users, you now have free-entry of users and passwords. It is a bad idea to set the SMTP Auth up with existing users and passwords, hence the change.
- Static routes can now be used to define Outgoing firewall rules. So, if you have “virtual” LAN’s set via Static Routes, these can be configured for Outgoing Firewall rules as normal LAN interfaces are.
- Updated the Nmap network scanning software.
- Modified the Web proxy configuration to allow the use of the new Web filtering software.
- The sasl libraries have been updated for new SMTP AUTH.
- Modified the list of exposed Milter parameters.
- Added new “SPF record check”. Allows emails to be bounced on SPF record check fail.
- Added a new menu option – “Ban Access by country” – for incoming emails.
- Updated the Anti-Spam software.
- Installed BETA e2guardian web filtering software.
- Updated the SMART disk monitoring software.
- Filename for email filtering – added ISO.
- SquidGuard – users are now in a userlist.
- Z-push Active-Sync software – added FilterType period. This determines the maximum period to Sync.
- Updated libpcre libraries.
- Updated various Python binaries.
* Fixes *
- Fixed a bug regarding Fileserver passwords.
- Fixed a few emtpy array errors on the Web config’ interface.
- Dovecot configuration files updated.
- Modified the Email backup to store linked Kopano attachments.
- Typo in c-client config file.
- Problems with Backup source SMB selection.
- Warning errors fixed on Config’ interface when Committing Changes.
New in Version 13.4.8 [Nov 27 2018]
* New Features and Improvements *
- Kopano Webapp has been updated to the newest version. File preview is now available. There is an option to use another HTML email editor in Settings=> Email. This should help with HTML formatting problems. Calibri font has been added.
New in Version 13.4.7 [Nov 13 2018]
* New Features and Improvements *
- Updated the SSL encryption libraries for security.
- Updated the Web Server for security.
- Updated several libraries ready for a new Web Filtering engine.
* Fixes *
- Fixed basic ncsa helper for authentication through the Web Proxy.
- Small fixes to the Configuration Interface.